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1st Mar, 2023

Victoria Sartain
Victoria Sartain
Job Title
Senior Content Writer

The first days and weeks in a new role should be an enjoyable process, full of new people, projects and learning opportunities, but it will likely be a little daunting too, especially for new managers. So, where do you begin when tasked with getting to grips with the seniority of the position and learning the business inside out?

1. Start by familiarising yourself with the company’s mission and values. Spend time getting to know your team, as well as other departments. Ask questions to understand what success looks like and ways you might contribute to the development of the business. This will give you an overall sense of the culture, as well as providing valuable insight into how things run within the organisation.

2. Take notes and ask questions. Make sure to take detailed notes during any meetings or conversations you have with your team on the first day, as well as throughout the entire transition period. It’s important to take an active role in learning from everyone around you – don’t be afraid to ask questions if something isn’t clear. Write down pertinent information and establish a system that you can refer to as needed. You’ll also want to keep your team’s contact details handy.

3. Get the lie of the land. Examine the physical space of your workspace – where you’ll be spending the majority of your time – and explore any areas that may be open to you. Locate the desks/offices of key colleagues along with break rooms, meeting rooms, toilets, photocopiers, and other useful facilities. If you’re working on a hybrid or remote basis, dedicate any office time in your initial weeks to setting up in-person meetings, or schedule video calls to help build relationships.

4. Establish relationships early on. Network and build relationships with others in your immediate team and across the business as soon as possible. Get to know the people you’ll be working with on a personal level so that it feels more like a collaborative environment rather than a hierarchical one. Take time during lunch or other breaks to engage in casual conversations and learn more about your colleagues, their roles, and lives beyond the workplace.

5. Set expectations for yourself and your team. Set clear goals and objectives, provide feedback regularly, and create an environment where everyone feels comfortable communicating openly with each other. Start by developing a clear vision for your role as manager, then communicate it with your team so everyone is on the same page.

6. Get organised. As a new manager, it’s essential to stay on top of your tasks and duties. Set up a system that will help you prioritise and manage task-related assignments in an efficient manner, make sure you have all the necessary tools for your work, and establish a daily routine to help you stay organised. You may have some process ideas in mind for your team, but in the early weeks in your role, take time to assess the current system before making what may be needless changes.

7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. No one expects you to know everything on your first day, and if you feel uncertain about something, it’s perfectly okay to ask for assistance. Reach out to more experienced team members or mentors for guidance and advice when appropriate.

8. Finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself. It can be easy to get overwhelmed as a manager, so be sure to take time out for self-care: take breaks and find ways to de-stress throughout the workday. If you have any questions or concerns about your job, talk to your boss or HR representative.

With a little preparation, you’ll be ready to take on any challenge that comes your way.

If you’re looking for a talented professional to work in your new team, speak to one of our specialist recruiters today.