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Why you: 101 interview questions you’ll never fear again

If you’ve ever sat in an interview and been caught completely off guard by a question you weren’t prepared for, this book is for you.

In 'Why you: 101 interview questions you’ll never fear again', James Reed explores the most common and uncommon interview questions, giving you tips on how to answer even the trickiest questions with ease. Order the book here.

The 7 second CV: how to land the interview

In the time it takes you to read this sentence, a recruiter might have already decided whether to give you an interview or put your CV in the proverbial trash can.

If you want to stay out of the no pile and improve your chances of landing an interview, then James Reed’s, 'The 7 second CV' will show you how to write a CV that glides through the AI gatekeepers and grabs the attention of even the most time-pressed recruiters. Order the book here.

Life’s work: 12 proven ways to fast-track your career

On average, we spend around 90,000 hours of our lives working. Most of us want to spend that time doing work that’s meaningful, fulfilling and even enjoyable. But sadly, most of us don’t.

In 'Life’s work: 12 proven ways to fast-track your career', James Reed helps you uncover the career that’s right for you and shows you exactly how to get there in 12 life-changing steps. Order the book here.

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